My weekly public classes:

I am currently taking a break from teaching public classes.

If/when I teach any public classes I will let you know through my newsletter, if you would like to you can sign up below.

What to expect:

My classes tend to be slow and strong with a focus on interoception (that is, paying attention to your internal state). 

I enjoy movement sequences that are simple and seamless so that they don’t draw people outwards and instead people can spend more time noticing and feeling.

I like classes that feel like they create more length, space and ease. 

Further, I intend to make my classes spacious with plenty of room for each person to adapt the class to their wants and needs.  

My classes are largely informed by my studies and work in psychology and are therefore largely secular and usually draw on psychological tools and techniques that I think can be soothing, help regulate ones’ thoughts and emotions and/or provide a framework for living with and making sense of thoughts, sensations and emotions. 

While I feel more comfortable teaching more secular classes, I have studied and am therefore influenced largely by yoga. While I’m not sure I can - nor is it appropriate for me to - teach Yogic (and other Eastern) philosophies, I want to acknowledge that these philosophies and knowledges do influence what and how I teach and also influence the Western versions of these that I feel more comfortable sharing such as Mindfulness and Acceptance Commitment Therapy.

I hope my classes feel inclusive for all. If this isn’t the case for you please let me know. Feedback is always welcomed! 

Matthew Remski is far better at words than me. Here’s what I hope classes feel like: